
Making a Sourdough Bread Starter

Bread/ Sourdough Bread Starter has never been easier! The first job is to make yourself some starter. There are a  ga-zillion starter recipes out there. Go get one. I made mine from a recipe that had me carrying this started around for three weeks feeding it daily. 

And I have made Starter from scratch. 

Both ways are in this post !

It was like they do to the Junior High Kids now when they make teenagers take home a fake baby doll and play parent Truth be told it was pain in the ass not easy.

Let's make this as easy as possible. YOU CAN  buy your starter from a reputable source. I bought a starter (Need to try everything to tell you) and it came with a book and I will give you the 411 on both ways. The bonus is you can use your starter which ever way you choose to do it to make so many other breads as well as baked goods. I made a killer Rye bread , so here is the link to get your power started and get you started by mail !

 Sourdough International

BUT You only need to do 2 things Activation and Prep your own !!!!!

Lets get started with your dried culture starter if you bought it.  Other wise scroll down to the Make my Own Section.

You must activate it by feeding flour and water. You will only activate once Use a one quart wide mouth jar. Mix all the dried culture with 3/4 cup of flour and 1 cup of warm water.(75 degrees to 85) and proof in a warm place (about 85 degrees) for 24 hours.
Put the jar lid on loosely. The temperature is critical when activating. At the end of that time a few bubbles may appear on the surface as the first sign of growth and activity. In the next 24 hours growth will start to accelerate and the culture should be fed every 6 to 12 hours with one cup of flour and 3/4 cup of warm water until there is a layer of foam and bubbles an inch or two thick. This may require several days and several feedings.

There is no visible evidence when the bacteria grow, and they will be using nutrients even though the culture show no bubbles, so you must follow the feeding schedule.

If the culture keep's doubling the size of your starter, in 10 days you'll have enough to fill a swimming pool. And 12 hours later, you'll have enough to fill two swimming pools. So, before you feed the starter, take half of your starter and set it aside.  But you can start smaller batches to gift to your neighbors and friends. You would be amazed how many people love to get starter already stared! 

Make my Own Section

Basic Recipe needs nothing more than some flour and water and a week of babysitting. Let's go to the Pantry and get it started from scratch !

Ingredients and Instructions

1 quart vessel glass or plastic (no metal)
Measuring cup (Many people use a scale but no everyone has that on hand)
Spoon for mixing
Towel to cover vessel
7 days to watch

3/4 of a cup plus 2 tablespoon's of all-purpose flour
1/4 cup of warm water 

Take your jar and add the flour. Next add your warm water and mix. It should have the consistency of pancake batter. It will get thicker as it grows.

Let this sit for 24 hours. When you check it there will be bubbles. You do not need a lot just bubbles. Bubbles lets you know the bacteria is growing. Now your first feeding. Discard a little more than half of your starter. (I use other jars to make starter to give away) Now add 3/4 cup of flour and 1/2 cup of warm water. I think warm water is key to keeping it warm and fuzzy.

The reason you ask. Well the bubbles = wild yeast and that help fight off the bad bacteria. The bubbles will eat the sugars and that in turn makes more bubbles (carbon dioxide) and alcohol. This makes more acidity. Remember new starter has a funky smell until it gets to that time when it smells mild, sweet and yeasty.

Making your sourdough starter will take 5 to 7 days. Every day you do need to feed it. This really varies so much. Once you start to make starter you will better understand this. A normally warm home will do to keep it going and live. The main things to watch for are bubbles and smell. If you do not see bubble's in 3 days or so. Starter over!

This is my starter I had to take it to my Mama's with me. Mama said it was like having a new born baby in the house. We use to laugh so hard about the "Starter Baby" 

We went shopping one day and ran back to the house to feed the baby starter. xoxo
I tired to tell you ..... But the end results are years of homemade sour dough bread.

 Here is a cup of my end result. A beautiful bread starter !

 Here is a website that is all about Sourdough the go to place   for any baker of sourdough breads.

  Now get me a stick of Butter! 

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