
Sachet d'epices - Bagging your spices

My Molcajete = motar and pestle

A small cheesecloth sack containing herbs and spices used to add flavor to stocks.
Translates literally to "bag of spices" in French.
Often referred to simply as a sachet.
Common items included in a sachet d'épices are:

Spices you can use:
  • dried thyme
  • parsley stems
  • bay leaf
  • whole peppercorns
  • whole cloves
  • cinnamon

Depending on what I have on hand. I do keep a lot of the little sack's from the cooking store on hand.


There have been times when I have had to take cheese cloth and make my own. This works but you need to double up the cheese cloth and keep an eye on it. Great way to add spice to jams and soups .

I love it because I use fresh herb that I have bought bulk or dried myself. I do a lot of canning and preserving so I always have cheese cloth handy to make the little pouch. 

 I hope this helps you with any future cooking adventures you have in store. xoxo

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