
Quiche vs Frittata

We all like Frittata and we love our Quiche.  But do you know the difference?

Here is the low down on the difference of the two.

In the dictionary it say’s and I quote:

Frittata- Noun – Italian omelet with diced vegetables and meat cooked until the bottom is set then inverted into another pan to cook the top.

Quiche – Noun – A tart filled with unsweetened custard, often contains other ingredients like cheese or ham or seafood or vegetables.

Now the rest of the story:

Let us start with the Quiche there are as many ways of cooking as definitions. Let’s review and make a logical summation. Quiche is French it is made with eggs and different additions. These additions would and could include veggies, meat, seafood, and poultry. The quiche has a crust and is custard based which means it uses cream for a creamy taste. It can be served hot or cold.

A Frittata is like an omelet and is Italian in it’s origin. It consists of basically eggs and other ingredients minus the cream and crust. This Frittata can be as thin as a pancake or thick with a golden crust. The ingredients to add to this is almost identical to Frittata but no cream no crust. Frittata makes the Egg’s the super star of the dish.
Here are ingredients you could add to either: Meat/Poultry , Vegetables, Herbs, so get creative and make it your own. Add the ingredients you love and make a fun breakfast or dinner. It can be made ahead and warmed up the next morning. Also a great way to serve a Frittata is to cook the day before a party and cut it cold into bite size chunks for a quick and fun appetizer.

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